2020 FAA Legislative Days
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The Florida Apartment Association's annual Legislative Conferences gives members an opportunity to give our industry a loud and boisterous voice in Tallahassee.
See what others have to say about attending this important grassroots event!
We have an early Session this year with final interim committee weeks wrapping up the second week of December. Session officially begins Tuesday, January 14, 2020. It should come as no surprise that there is already newly crafted legislation proving to impact our industry.
To name a few,
SB 0090: Discrimination in Labor and Employment (Sen. Stewart)
SB 0274: Residential Tenancies (Sen. Rodriguez (J))
SB 0374: Housing Discrimination (Sen. Rouson)
HB 0637: Impact Fees (Rep. DiCeglie)
SB 0710: Florida Building Code (Sen. Albritton)
A comprehensive list of all 2020 legislation that FAA is currently tracking can be found, here.
All of this legislation will be discussed during the 2020 Session. Which is why it is extremely important for you to engage your state legislators and help create positive policy for our industry.
Please note: there is a $95 registration fee. This includes the legislative briefing and APAC reception. You are responsible for transportation to and from Tallahassee.